Lokichar, Turkana South, KENYA
Our Terms
- Committing to attending LAN meetings
- Keeping LAN members informed (through the email list-serve or by WhatsApp) of special developments, special challenges
arising, concerns, and achievements related to community land/environment/climate in your community or communities you
work with
- Committing to distribute LAN Briefs and other awareness-raising materials with neighbouring communities and/or
organizations working in your county on these issues
- Acting always in respect of LAN matters with transparency and accountability
- Committing to not disseminate information or issues discussed within LAN should the membership in general decide
against this
- Being named in petitions or other communications to county or national government offices, to MPs or Senators, on
relevant matters such as requesting information, urging action on a particular matter, challenging unlawful or
wrongful actions jeopardizing the land/environment/climate rights of a community/communities, or other matters
submitted by LAN. All such written statements or requests would be circulated first to LAN members for their
comments and approval.